Teams Machine-Wide installer keeps uninstalling itself randomly - Microsoft Community.What's new in Office

Teams Machine-Wide installer keeps uninstalling itself randomly - Microsoft Community.What's new in Office

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Teams machine wide installer o que Г©. October 21, 2021—KB5006746 (OS Build 22000.282) Preview 



Разисквания - Сряда, 18 май г. - Upgrading Teams Machine wide installer

  Mar 03,  · The machine wide installer will automatically install Microsoft Teams for each new user that is configured on a system. The system wide installer will install Microsoft Teams to a user’s folder. The settings for Microsoft Teams that has been installed via the system-wide installer can be managed by the group policy on Windows Settings for Microsoft Teams . Nov 25,  · Teams Machine-Wide installer keeps uninstalling itself randomly. We've pushed Teams out to all machines using the Teams machine-wide installer via GPO. Generally this works fine, but we usually get a couple of calls a day from staff saying teams has disappeared and they just get a warning that the shortcut can't find the object. Nov 02,  · This is the answer Machine Wide Installer is responsible for installing a copy of Teams to a user profile whenever a new user logs into the computer. The other Microsoft Teams is the install for the current profile only. If you uninstall it, .  

- Teams machine wide installer o que Г©


Windows 2. It features several improvements to the user interface and memory management. The result of this change led to Apple Computer filing a suit against Microsoft alleging infringement on Apple's copyrights.

It runs in real mode but can make use of the high memory area. In addition to full Windows-packages, there were runtime-only versions that shipped with early Windows software from third parties and made it possible to run their Windows software on MS-DOS and without the full Windows feature set. The early versions of Windows are often thought of as graphical shells, mostly because they ran on top of MS-DOS and use it for file system services.

Unlike MS-DOS, Windows allowed users to execute multiple graphical applications at the same time, through cooperative multitasking. Windows implemented an elaborate, segment-based, software virtual memory scheme, which allows it to run applications larger than available memory: code segments and resources are swapped in and thrown away when memory became scarce; data segments moved in memory when a given application had relinquished processor control.

Windows 3. They run inside the same address space, where the segmented memory provides a degree of protection. Microsoft rewrote critical operations from C into assembly. In August , Windows for Workgroups, a special version with integrated peer-to-peer networking features and a version number of 3. It was sold along with Windows 3. Support for Windows 3. The next major consumer-oriented release of Windows, Windows 95 , was released on August 24, While still remaining MS-DOS-based, Windows 95 introduced support for native bit applications , plug and play hardware, preemptive multitasking , long file names of up to characters, and provided increased stability over its predecessors.

Windows 95 also introduced a redesigned, object oriented user interface, replacing the previous Program Manager with the Start menu , taskbar , and Windows Explorer shell. Windows 95 was a major commercial success for Microsoft; Ina Fried of CNET remarked that "by the time Windows 95 was finally ushered off the market in , it had become a fixture on computer desktops around the world. Windows 95 was followed up with the release of Windows 98 on June 25, , which introduced the Windows Driver Model , support for USB composite devices , support for ACPI , hibernation , and support for multi-monitor configurations.

Windows 98 also included integration with Internet Explorer 4 through Active Desktop and other aspects of the Windows Desktop Update a series of enhancements to the Explorer shell which were also made available for Windows Windows 98 SE added Internet Explorer 5. Mainstream support for Windows 98 ended on June 30, , and extended support for Windows 98 ended on July 11, Windows Me incorporated visual interface enhancements from its Windows NT-based counterpart Windows , had faster boot times than previous versions which however, required the removal of the ability to access a real mode DOS environment, removing compatibility with some older programs , [31] expanded multimedia functionality including Windows Media Player 7, Windows Movie Maker , and the Windows Image Acquisition framework for retrieving images from scanners and digital cameras , additional system utilities such as System File Protection and System Restore , and updated home networking tools.

PC World considered Windows Me to be one of the worst operating systems Microsoft had ever released, and the 4th worst tech product of all time. However, following the successful release of Windows 3. Win32 maintained a similar structure to the Windows APIs allowing existing Windows applications to easily be ported to the platform , but also supported the capabilities of the existing NT kernel. Following its approval by Microsoft's staff, development continued on what was now Windows NT, the first bit version of Windows.

Windows NT was the first Windows operating system based on a hybrid kernel. The hybrid kernel was designed as a modified microkernel , influenced by the Mach microkernel developed by Richard Rashid at Carnegie Mellon University, but without meeting all of the criteria of a pure microkernel.

The first release of the resulting operating system, Windows NT 3. Windows NT 3. Windows NT 4. The Windows NT name was dropped at this point in order to put a greater focus on the Windows brand. The introduction of Windows XP aimed to unify the consumer-oriented Windows 9x series with the architecture introduced by Windows NT, a change which Microsoft promised would provide better performance over its DOS-based predecessors.

Windows XP would also introduce a redesigned user interface including an updated Start menu and a "task-oriented" Windows Explorer , streamlined multimedia and networking features, Internet Explorer 6 , integration with Microsoft's.

NET Passport services, a " compatibility mode " to help provide backwards compatibility with software designed for previous versions of Windows, and Remote Assistance functionality. At retail, Windows XP was now marketed in two main editions : the "Home" edition was targeted towards consumers, while the "Professional" edition was targeted towards business environments and power users , and included additional security and networking features.

Home and Professional were later accompanied by the "Media Center" edition designed for home theater PCs , with an emphasis on support for DVD playback, TV tuner cards , DVR functionality, and remote controls , and the "Tablet PC" edition designed for mobile devices meeting its specifications for a tablet computer , with support for stylus pen input and additional pen-enabled applications.

Extended support ended on April 8, After Windows , Microsoft also changed its release schedules for server operating systems; the server counterpart of Windows XP, Windows Server , was released in April After a lengthy development process , Windows Vista was released on November 30, , for volume licensing and January 30, , for consumers. It contained a number of new features , from a redesigned shell and user interface to significant technical changes , with a particular focus on security features.

It was available in a number of different editions , and has been subject to some criticism , such as drop of performance, longer boot time, criticism of new UAC, and stricter license agreement. Vista's server counterpart, Windows Server was released in early On July 22, , Windows 7 and Windows Server R2 were released as RTM release to manufacturing while the former was released to the public 3 months later on October 22, Unlike its predecessor, Windows Vista, which introduced a large number of new features , Windows 7 was intended to be a more focused, incremental upgrade to the Windows line, with the goal of being compatible with applications and hardware with which Windows Vista was already compatible.

Windows 8 , the successor to Windows 7, was released generally on October 26, A number of significant changes were made on Windows 8, including the introduction of a user interface based around Microsoft's Metro design language with optimizations for touch-based devices such as tablets and all-in-one PCs.

These changes include the Start screen , which uses large tiles that are more convenient for touch interactions and allow for the display of continually updated information, and a new class of apps which are designed primarily for use on touch-based devices. Other changes include increased integration with cloud services and other online platforms such as social networks and Microsoft's own OneDrive formerly SkyDrive and Xbox Live services , the Windows Store service for software distribution, and a new variant known as Windows RT for use on devices that utilize the ARM architecture , and a new keyboard shortcut for screenshots.

Windows 8 and Windows 8. On September 30, , Microsoft announced Windows 10 as the successor to Windows 8. It was released on July 29, , and addresses shortcomings in the user interface first introduced with Windows 8. Changes on PC include the return of the Start Menu, a virtual desktop system, and the ability to run Windows Store apps within windows on the desktop rather than in full-screen mode.

Windows 10 is said to be available to update from qualified Windows 7 with SP1, Windows 8. In February , Microsoft announced the migration of its Windows source code repository from Perforce to Git.

This migration involved 3. In June , shortly before Microsoft's announcement of Windows 11, Microsoft updated their lifecycle policy pages for Windows 10, revealing that support for their last release of Windows 10 will be October 14, On June 24, , Windows 11 was announced as the successor to Windows 10 during a livestream. The new operating system was designed to be more user-friendly and understandable.

It was released on October 5, In July , Microsoft announced it will start selling subscriptions to virtualized Windows desktops as part of a new Windows service in the following month. It is not a standalone version of Windows, but a web service that provides access to Windows 10 and Windows 11 built on top of Azure Virtual Desktop. The new service will allow for cross-platform usage , aiming to make the operating system available for both Apple and Android users.

The subscription service will be accessible through any operating system with a web browser. The new service is an attempt at capitalizing on the growing trend, fostered during the COVID pandemic , for businesses to adopt a hybrid remote work environment, in which "employees split their time between the office and home".

As the service will be accessible through web browsers, Microsoft will be able to bypass the need to publish the service through Google Play or the Apple App Store. Microsoft announced Windows availability to business and enterprise customers on August 2, Multilingual support has been built into Windows since Windows 3.

The language for both the keyboard and the interface can be changed through the Region and Language Control Panel. Components for all supported input languages, such as Input Method Editors , are automatically installed during Windows installation in Windows XP and earlier, files for East Asian languages, such as Chinese, and right-to-left scripts, such as Arabic, may need to be installed separately, also from the said Control Panel.

Third-party IMEs may also be installed if a user feels that the provided one is insufficient for their needs. Interface languages for the operating system are free for download, but some languages are limited to certain editions of Windows. Language Interface Packs LIPs are redistributable and may be downloaded from Microsoft's Download Center and installed for any edition of Windows XP or later — they translate most, but not all, of the Windows interface, and require a certain base language the language which Windows originally shipped with.

This is used for most languages in emerging markets. Full Language Packs, which translates the complete operating system, are only available for specific editions of Windows Ultimate and Enterprise editions of Windows Vista and 7, and all editions of Windows 8, 8. They do not require a specific base language, and are commonly used for more popular languages such as French or Chinese. These languages cannot be downloaded through the Download Center, but available as optional updates through the Windows Update service except Windows 8.

The interface language of installed applications is not affected by changes in the Windows interface language. The availability of languages depends on the application developers themselves. Windows 8 and Windows Server introduces a new Language Control Panel where both the interface and input languages can be simultaneously changed, and language packs, regardless of type, can be downloaded from a central location.

The PC Settings app in Windows 8. Changing the interface language also changes the language of preinstalled Windows Store apps such as Mail, Maps and News and certain other Microsoft-developed apps such as Remote Desktop.

The above limitations for language packs are however still in effect, except that full language packs can be installed for any edition except Single Language, which caters to emerging markets.

Windows NT included support for several platforms before the x86 -based personal computer became dominant in the professional world. Windows dropped support for all platforms, except the third generation x86 known as IA or newer in bit mode.

With the introduction of the Intel Itanium architecture IA , Microsoft released new versions of Windows to support it. Itanium versions of Windows XP and Windows Server were released at the same time as their mainstream x86 counterparts. Windows Server line continues to support this platform until Windows Server ; Windows Server R2 is the last Windows operating system to support Itanium architecture.

Windows 11 is the first version to drop support for bit hardware. Windows CE officially known as Windows Embedded Compact , is an edition of Windows that runs on minimalistic computers , like satellite navigation systems and some mobile phones. The OEMs and device makers can modify and create their own user interfaces and experiences, while Windows CE provides the technical foundation to do so.

Windows CE was the core from which Windows Mobile was derived. Windows Phone 8 however, is based on the same NT-kernel as Windows 8. Xbox OS is an unofficial name given to the version of Windows that runs on Xbox consoles. Shortly after Windows was released, Microsoft switched to a fork of Perforce named Source Depot. In Microsoft announced that it would start using Git , an open source version control system created by Linus Torvalds and in May they reported that has completed migration into the Git repository.

Because of its large, decades-long history, however, the Windows codebase is not especially well suited to the decentralized nature of Linux development that Git was originally created to manage. Version market share As a percentage of desktop and laptop systems using Windows, [82] according to StatCounter data from July Use of Windows 10 has exceeded Windows 7 globally since early I have done this several time, but when I do npm -v , I still get npm WARN config global --global, --local are deprecated.

Show 4 more comments. Art Bindu Art Bindu 3 3 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. Nice fix! I just used this, funny you posted this like 3 hours ago :D — Paal Pedersen. Actuall, no npm i command works for me. If it's not working then restart your system. If you did the changes, then it's should work.

The warning is gone, short and precise solution. Like this: npx create-react-app your-project-name. Huy Huy 4 4 silver badges 8 8 bronze badges.

Use: npm install -g npm-windows-upgrade npm-windows-upgrade Select the latest version. Gladiston leal Gladiston leal 91 4 4 bronze badges. On Windows 11, I first installed npm 8. Then I ran npm install -g npm-windows-upgrade as you suggested. Thereafter, npm -v still displayed: npm WARN config global --global , --local are deprecated.

Info: npm-windows-upgrade requires Admin Rights. Issue still there on 8. Sunil Sapkota Sunil Sapkota 1 1 silver badge 8 8 bronze badges. If you are on Windows, try the following as administrator: npm install -g npm-windows-upgrade npm-windows-upgrade and select version 8. This seemed to solve the issue for me: npm install --legacy-peer-deps I am running a new install of Windows 11 and installed it.

Use latest npm to fix this issue, use given command. Md Rehan Md Rehan 7 7 bronze badges. The error is due to a bug in npm 8. The bug makes it impossible to just npm i -g npm latest , so this worked for me: Download npm 8.

Adam Jagosz Adam Jagosz 1, 12 12 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. Answer 18 has presented the same solution I am, but it's a little unclear: I am running: Node Right-click the npm. The file will open in Visual Studio Code. Terry C Terry C 1 2 2 bronze badges. Ritik Banger Ritik Banger 1 1 silver badge 13 13 bronze badges.

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And that is something that we need to strongly keep an eye on, not only in the rule of law report, but also with all the other instruments that we have. Because I believe that, despite this backlash, we can still make it happen to defend the rule of law in the European Union. But for that, we actually need a European Commission that does not only do the paper work well, but that also has the political will and determination to stand up for the rule of law when wind is blowing in their faces.

I hope that with the commitment that the Commissioner has just given, we can we can see that happen in the future. Let me take the last of my time to really thank the constructive work that has been put into writing this report, not only the shadow rapporteurs, not only the MEPs, but also the staff, the people from the Secretariat, the APAs.

I think we have really pulled this off in a very future—oriented and constructive way, and you have made this report clearer and broader and better. I really believe that this approach that we form overwhelming big majorities from the left to the EPP to stand up for the rule of law in this House is something that has proven to be very successful. We have actually shown that this is not a matter of whether you are a liberal, a Christian democrat or a green, or whether you are from Finland, Spain or from Poland, that this is really something about the fundament of our societies and of the European Union.

I believe that this is important because at the end of the day, it is in all of our interests to defend the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights. Having said that, I hope that we can get a very large and broad majority for this report tomorrow, so I ask you for your support tomorrow. Gunnar Beck ID , schriftlich. Ich denke eher im Gegenteil. Machen wir uns nichts vor: Wenn die EU von Rechtsstaatlichkeit spricht, spricht sie eigentlich von Linksstaatlichkeit.

Tom Vandenkendelaere PPE , schriftelijk. De staat van de democratie in de wereld baart zorgen. Waar de waarheid niet aan het licht mag komen, functioneert de democratie niet. Is het tijdperk aangebroken waarin democratie met uitsterven is bedreigd?

In Rusland en China is de democratie ver zoek. In de Verenigde Staten staat de democratie onder druk. In onze eigen Europese Unie is de achteruitgang van de rechtsstaat in sommige lidstaten zorgwekkend. Dat zijn we aan onszelf verplicht, aan onze burgers, aan onze geschiedenis. Democratie en transparantie gaan hand in hand.

Die boodschap, dat voorbeeld moeten we blijven geven aan de rest van de wereld. Daarom doet dit Europees huis van de democratie een oproep aan de Commissie om een offensievere rol te spelen en de democratie te verdedigen met alle middelen waarover ze beschikt. Der Abbau von Rechtsstaatlichkeit darf nicht zum Trend werden innerhalb unserer Union.

Doch der Knackpunkt ist folgender: Nur Berichte zu schreiben reicht nicht. Ilhan Kyuchyuk, rapporteur. On the reform agenda, North Macedonia has delivered sustained results.

The report recognises the continuous effort to strengthen the rule of law, judicial independence and minority rights, counter corruption, and transparency and political dialogue between government and opposition parties. It contains a comprehensive overview of pending reforms that the country should adopt on issues like electoral reform, media improvement, accountability and public institutions, and engagement with civil society.

Having said that, and considering the broader geostrategic context, we are all aware that the postponement of the official start of the accession negotiations is a lose—lose situation — both for North Macedonia and for us, for the EU. These are historic times and they require firm and timely decisions.

It is time for leadership. It is not time to follow one or other political opinion. More than ever today we have to send a strong European message — not to the political elite of North Macedonia or to our member countries, but to the citizens of North Macedonia, because they deserve it.

Didier Reynders, Member of the Commission. First, let me thank the rapporteur, Ilhan Kyuchyuk, for the report on North Macedonia.

The Western Balkans have been a priority of this Commission since the beginning, and today they are more than ever a geostrategic priority for us. It is in our common interest to speed up the enlargement process.

The EU Member States took an enormously historic decision in March when they decided to open accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. Now we need to deliver on our promise and officially launch this process with both countries as soon as possible, and before the end of the French Presidency. To speed up the accession process, the Commission has also upgraded its own toolset. We revised our enlargement methodology, putting an even stronger focus on fundamentals such as the rule of law and democracy.

It is important that the EU use the full potential of its instruments, capacities and power. North Macedonia has demonstrated its commitment to European Union values and determination to advance on its EU path. At the same time, the country continues to show its determination to advance on EU reforms. As you have rightly pointed out in your report, North Macedonia has maintained a steady pace of progress in the implementation of reforms, in particular in key areas such as the judiciary, the fight against corruption and organised crime.

More than ever, the work of Parliament is key as a forum for political dialogue. It is important that all parties act constructively in this regard. I would like to thank the European Parliament for strengthening democratic processes in North Macedonia, including through the Jean Monnet dialogue. During this current situation, the EU and North Macedonia are facing common challenges — increase of energy prices, inflation and concerns about the uncertainty of the future.

We remain committed to help North Macedonia in every way we can, including through our financial assistance. The implementation of the instrument of pre—accession assistance and of our economic and investment plan will strengthen connectivity and contribute to greener and more digital economies, which will reduce dependencies. To make our investments a success we need the region to push ahead on building a common regional market.

Let me underline also the importance of good neighbourly relations. Pending bilateral issues between Bulgaria and North Macedonia need to be resolved as a matter of priority. The Commission is involved in helping both sides in this process. It is of utmost importance that efforts continue to find a mutually acceptable solution to pending bilateral issues.

To conclude, it is important that North Macedonia continue to deliver on reforms and that the EU deliver in return. The official launch of accession negotiations through the first Intergovernmental Conference will be the strongest possible signal the EU could send to the country, to the region and beyond.

Thank you, of course, for your report. Thank you for your attention. I am looking forward to our discussions. In der Vorbereitung zum heutigen Tag habe ich mir die Reden des letzten Jahres durchgelesen. Das ist eine schlechte Nachricht. Das ist deshalb eine schlechte Nachricht, weil in vielen Bereichen Nordmazedonien tiefgreifende Reformen angestrebt hat und umgesetzt hat. Wir brauchen diese Staaten.

North Macedonia did everything it was requested to do, and yet we still do not know the date the country deserves. They underwent substantial reforms, including to strengthening its democracy and fighting against corruption, and even changing their name. And contrary to some others, North Macedonia has fully aligned with the European Union sanctions against Russia.

There must be no excuses for further delay if we want to preserve our credibility. It is also necessary to keep the pro—European aspiration in North Macedonia and the whole Western Balkans region. Given the changed geopolitical context of the Russian aggression on Ukraine, strengthening the enlargement policy is more important than ever. In June, a positive decision on starting the accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania is a must.

They are waiting now for over ten years for the accession talks to start, while having fulfilled the conditions. Until now, the citizens supported brave pro—EU leaders.

This must be a wake—up call to the EU, and especially Bulgaria, that we must live up to our promises now. Russian influence is still rising at our doorstep in the Western Balkans. We can make democracy win from autocracy if we practice what we preach. This moment may be the last opportunity, so I urge the Council: no further delays.

Anna Bonfrisco, a nome del gruppo ID. Stelios Kouloglou, on behalf of The Left Group. North Macedonia and the government have done everything we have asked, but still the case is not going on. We have to fight the nationalism and the history that prevents that, coming this time from Bulgaria.

Also, we have to prevent the nationalism and the history that is coming also from the Greek Government, because after the historic agreement of Prespa, there are three memorandums to be implemented between Greece and North Macedonia to finalise the agreement. The Greek Government is not implementing the memorandum, and is not bringing the memorandum to the Parliament to be voted.

You know why? Because they are afraid of nationalism and history. So are you going to do something on that as the Commission? Are you going to ask Mr Mitsotakis to bring the memorandum, as the agreement of Prespa stipulates, or do we leave again history and nationalism to prevent the future?

Fabio Massimo Castaldo NI. This tells us a lot about our relationship with this country which, since it embraced the European perspective in , has undergone significant reforms and international efforts — even changing its official name.

June may represent the point of no return. It means strengthening reformers throughout the region and contrasting and weakening those anti—European forces that depict us as unreliable, and the European future of the Western Balkans as an illusion.

The Commission report on North Macedonia stresses once again how the country has met all the conditions to start negotiations. This Parliament strongly agrees. We owe it to this country.

We owe it to the leaders who reach out to neighbours and minorities at home in the true spirit of reconciliation. We owe it to the North Macedonian people. The Bulgarian veto does not solve any of the existing problems and none of the issues which were raised today. The veto affects not only North Macedonia negatively, it also affects the European Union negatively, and most negatively affected is Sofia and Bulgaria itself. I fully support that. I support the candidacy and the opening of Moldova, of Ukraine, of Eastern Partnership countries.

This is a peace and stability issue. Ilhan Kyuchyuk, I congratulate you on your report. Identities matter. Identities in the Western Balkans matter more than all, so we should resolve this dispute. North Macedonia is close to my heart, the same as Bosnia and Herzegovina. Shared power, the Ohrid peace agreement, the Prespa agreement — all these agreements should be respected.

So for all these people in the Eastern part who never went through what happened with Yugoslavia, how it dissolved, I would ask you to just learn a bit about history. What Milosevic started we should really resolve. So respect the agreements, respect minorities, respect shared power, respect the Dayton Peace Agreement. Dorien Rookmaker ECR. The Council decided to start negotiations in Why are they not getting things done, like they promised the people of the West Balkan countries?

The EU is founded on the promise of peace. Offering all of the Western Balkan countries, especially Macedonia, membership of the EU contributes to peace in Europe. But our actions, or rather the lack of action, point in the opposite direction. Political stability in the Western Balkans is important for humanitarian, economic and political reasons. It makes sense to act accordingly.

They are in need of that as well. The Council has to act now! I fully agree with what has been said by colleagues Schieder and Olekas. Bulgaria at this critical moment in history has a unique chance to give a strong message to Russia, to Europe and to Skopje.

But the time has also come to hold the other 26 Member States accountable for further delay from today onwards, because expressing, like Monday at the Foreign Affairs Council, full commitment and unwavering support is not going to do the trick anymore. The other 26 Member States have to work together accordingly, to help Bulgaria to overcome this hurdle. Bulgaria has a unique chance to do a historic decision in this lifetime.

More than ever, the European Union needs to deliver on its commitments. North Macedonia belongs in the European Union, and the official launch of accession negotiations provides the best guarantees to ensure that the rule of law, fundamental rights and European values are implemented in practice in the interests of all citizens.

So thanks again for this debate and for your report, and for your support. Certainly — answering to Madame Zovko — the rights of minorities should be at the forefront of this accession process.

I am trying to send a clear message in my report as well. To Mr Yordanov, I would like to assure him that I start with the Friendship Treaty and the Prespa agreement, and I finish my report again with the Friendship Treaty and the Prespa agreement, because they are the backbones of our report — not only our report, but they are the backbones of the strategic relationship between North Macedonia and Bulgaria, and between Greece and North Macedonia.

They bring historical reconciliation. I concur with our colleagues saying that our credibility as the European Union is at stake. So to finish on a positive note, thank you colleagues and shadow rapporteurs for your contributions. Isabel Santos, Relatora. Era muito importante que isso acontecesse.

Let me start by stressing once again that Albania and the Western Balkans remain a geostrategic priority for the European Union. At this very sensitive time for European security, it is crucial to send the strongest possible signal to our closest neighbours and to repeat our commitment to their EU accession. Now more than ever, we need to move forward by officially opening accession negotiations with the holding of the first intergovernmental conference.

This confirms its full commitment to advance on the EU path. Therefore, we keep up our engagement with Albania in every way we can, including through our financial assistance. To this end, the economic and investment plan has entered full implementation, and we stand ready to assess what can be accelerated within the IPA assistance.

The vetting process of the re—evaluation of judges and prosecutors has advanced steadily and continues to deliver tangible results. The extension of the constitutional mandate of vetting has been recently voted. The institutions for the self—governance of the judiciary have continued to be fully functional and operate effectively.

So the country has delivered tangible and sustainable reform, with the adoption of a number of significant legislations in the areas of the population census and the efficiency of the judiciary.

Nonetheless, we do expect further progress, notably on media freedom, the adoption of the remaining by—laws on minority rights, the judicial map, and the establishment of a new integrated cases management system complying with EU standards.

The Commission will continue to monitor this thoroughly, and the same goes for the track record of the effort to counter corruption and organised crime.

Sometimes I think maybe we need also you to take over this issue to move quicker forward. I think it is important in the outline to say also Albania undertook a very important reform and also deserves that we start with the negotiation now.

It is for the Albanian young generation, which also want to see their future in the European Union. They want to see us also to start for them and to open the door to come to this European future. There is a long path, but we have to start to go it. Ilhan Kyuchyuk, on behalf of the Renew Group.

I must say that during the last year in domestic politics, Albania has made progress when it comes to EU integration. That was possible only because of the good relationship between the opposition and the government. I would say that the important and constructive political dialogue and the willingness to compromise on key issues between the government and opposition is vital to advance the EU accession process.

The report also clearly highlights the positive step that the government has taken under the administrative preparations for the upcoming accession negotiations. Of course, we are all aware that Albania has fulfilled the conditions and delivered sustained results across the fundamentals, and is completely ready to convince the first intergovernmental conference.

This is something that I fully support. But unfortunately, Albania continues to suffer from the dispute between Bulgaria and North Macedonia. Certainly, I am the one advocating that the country should a have a certain role to play in the European Parliament, in the European Union , and the European Parliament should be vocal in supporting the EU—Atlantic role of both countries.

There is just one minor point on the Vlora airport construction and the reduction of an environmentally protected area, but these concerns we can raise. On another point, more or less the report reflects very much also the important points that we brought in, important points praising, on the one hand, the substantial reforms Albania has delivered.

Albania has done all their homework. Yes, there is a lot of work to do still on media reform, on fighting against criminal activities in the country, on media freedom, clearly. But also on the question of plurality in the country, political plurality. Because what we see now is two parties which are not really reflecting two different political standpoints, but two different regions of the country fighting each other on a very rude way.

So, plurality also in terms of party politics is something we have to see. Then we have the situation that Albania is coupled in their accession talks with North Macedonia. There are some good reasons to do that.

But we have to be aware — and this is to the colleagues from the Bulgarian side — that advocating to keep up this veto in terms of having negotiations is blackmailing and not negotiations. This should be acknowledged. I think we should push all our governments to put pressure on Bulgaria to finally lift this deadlock so we can start accession talks as early as possible.

Il popolo albanese vuole l'Europa nel suo futuro, l'Europa faccia la sua parte. I fully agree with High Representative Borrell when he says that this situation is not only harming the candidate countries but is also harming us, presenting tremendous costs in terms of credibility and political perspective. It gives to Russia and other players who want us weak and divided. Dear colleagues, Albania has made its homework. Albania has achieved concrete reforms and real progress, and is demonstrating its willingness to advance in its accession process.

My plea to our Bulgarian friends is to lift their veto so that the Council can do finally the right thing. We have huge challenges coming in the near future. We are all aware of that, and I strongly believe that we can better face them if we overcome our divisions.

Dear colleagues, the time is now. Albania is Europe. Europe must be together with Albania. We are going as the Foreign Affairs Committee next week, and I will have the pleasure that we convey the messages that we are having today here. But the one message that we should convey to the Western Balkans, to Albania and to all the other countries — North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro — is that they are not forgotten.

They are not forgotten, they are there and we are there for them. We want them in the European Union. The enlargement must continue without stopping. There is no other Union than the European Union.

There is no other choice than European Union. There is no peace and security without the Western Balkans in the European Union. As well, I repeat, as I repeated with North Macedonia, together with Moldova, together with Ukraine, we have to consider the European Union as a peace project. It is how it started, and on the way maybe it lost its sense, but now we are coming back to our roots. The European Union is a peace project.

We have to bring the Western Balkans to the European Union. We will start with Albania, North Macedonia, and continue. This process will not end. We must therefore ensure a clear pathway for those countries aiming to join our Union.

When progress is made, appreciation must be shown. Albania is one of those countries that have shown most progress on their commitment to European integration and democratic transformation, and have clearly shown alignment with the EU foreign policy — not least when it comes to joint actions with the EU Member States after the horrific Russian invasion of Ukraine.

One way of showing the country it is on the right path is by opening the accession negotiations with that country, and to schedule the first intergovernmental conference. With this said, the Albanian political parties must overcome political disputes to strengthen democracy and the economy further. Every stone must also be turned to fight organised crime and corruption. But it is clear that the Albanian Government and citizens see the European Union as their home. In the s, the Western Balkans provided us with this grim reminder.

We must never forget that only through cooperation and dialogue do we overcome hatred, competition and violence between nations. The European Union is a forum for Member States to reach compromise through words, not arms. By invading Ukraine, Russia challenges these core values. The Western Balkans aspire to join the EU because they share these values, but the spectre of war still hangs over the region.

By continuing to stall on the aspiration of EU membership of Balkan states, the EU and Member States are threatening a fragile peace, breaking promises and presenting themselves as unreliable partners. I recently visited Albania, as you can see, and saw first—hand the growing disillusionment with the EU integration process.

Albania has made great strides. So we need an immediate start to accession negotiations. If we stall further, not only do we fail to live up to our responsibility, but we risk strengthening the hands of those who undermine the values at the heart of the European Union. The future of the entire region lies in the European Union and it is in our strategic interest to bring it closer to the European Union.

We look forward to adopting the negotiating framework and holding the first intergovernmental conference with Albania as soon as possible. So thanks again for your support.

We will try to move forward. W marcu r. It is clear that the European Union remains united in the face of the continued brutal oppression by the Lukashenko regime in its support for the Belarusian people. Today there are almost 1 political prisoners throughout the country, on top of the many thousands who have been detained over the last 18 months for exercising their democratic rights.

The brave leaders and activists of the democratic opposition in Belarus are also under sustained attack. Many, like Viktar Babaryka and Maryia Kalesnikava, are already in prison on politically motivated charges. Just this month, Sofia Sapega, the girlfriend of blogger Roman Protasevich, who were both detained after the Belarussian authorities forced their flight to land in Minsk in May last year, was sentenced to six years in prison.

Opposition leaders forced into exile, including Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Pavel Latushko, and countless others, are facing very serious criminal charges in their absence.

The European Union has stood by the people of Belarus from the very beginning of their legitimate struggle for democratic freedom. Among the beneficiaries are victims of repression, civil society, independent media, [inaudible] small businesses, health and culture. Independent media inside and outside of Belarus are exposed to growing threats.

Thanks to our financial support, independent journalists and social media influencers continue to tell the truth and reach their audiences in Belarus. Belarussian students who were forced to leave the country or unable to continue their studies in Belarus are now benefiting from the opportunity to study in the European Union. Work on the next assistance package is ongoing to provide further support to civil society, [inaudible] victims of repression and small and medium-sized enterprises in exile.

In parallel, we have also suspended all of our engagement with the central authorities, including at the technical or expert level. This, combined with our robust sanctions regime, isolates the Belarusian authorities and shows that they cannot act with impunity.

Finally, we have been supporting the International Accountability Platform for Belarus, which has been gathering and preserving evidence of human rights violations committed in Belarus.

Thank you very much for your support and for your attention.



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    But it is also clear that a lot still needs to be done to improve the impact of the rule of law report of the European Commission. Op deze manier is namelijk niet inzichtelijk hoe het voorstel in de praktijk uitwerkt. This allows storing intermediate calculations, values, or defining names inside a formula. Archived from the original on August 1, The reports which constitute the mandates for the negotiations are available on the plenary web page, and their titles will be published in the minutes of the sitting. Incorrect instructions. Pursuant to Rule 71 2 , Members or political groups reaching at least the medium threshold may request in writing by tomorrow, Thursday 19 May, at midnight, that the decision to enter into negotiations be put to the vote.


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